Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wow, that was fast.

So it’s that time of year again: back to school. And I’m telling you, this Australian summer is not making things any easier. Seriously, people were like DRIPPING with sweat today, nobody can get enough water, words start to swim before your eyes cause you feel so dizzy from the heat, and there’s NO AIR-CONDITIONING! For goodness sake, even the primary school has air-conditioning yet the high school doesn’t?!

So yeah, it’s that time of the year where you get ‘motivational’ (get-off-your-arse) speeches, where teachers and other adults tell you to get a move on because it’s getting toward your senior year and you have to ‘try your hardest’ and bla bla bla. That’s great and all, but … I just don’t like school! I CAN’T HELP IT!

But I full contact-ed my books and got my bag ready and decided, yup, this is the year Zarin. Try your hardest… WOO! It’s day two now, and I’m surprised at how fast this motivated and energetic attitude has faded away. I feel kind of.. I don’t know, tired all the time? Like there’s no point? What’s wrong with me? I just feel like someone’s going to upstage me anyway, so what’s the point in going all out? What’s the point if SOMEONE out there (namely parents) are going to get disappointed anyway?

I realise that this is an extremely crappy attitude… but I just feel so out of it.


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