Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ben Barnes, you have failed me.

Today I did two things - I finished reading The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, and also ended up watching the movie - Dorian Gray. I wasn't a huge fan of the book, but I was curious about the movie. And then when I found that Ben Barnes was Dorian Gray I was like woooo!! But as the title says, I am very disappointed in him. And the movie.

The book's plotline was pretty brilliant - it was a story about a guy named Dorian Gray whose portrait got old and ruined as his soul did but his face remained as perfectly youthful. The movie should've been so good - it had quite a good cast (include Petunia Dursley!). But it focused too much on the vulgar aspects of the book instead of the really awesome, intelligently built plotline. It completely missed bits of the plot and the director or screenplay writer or whatever decided to put in their own stuff instead. The character of Emily at the end I'm pretty sure wasn't in the book, but she was one of the only good additions. The movie was so disgusting that I'm embarassed to have watched it.

And Ben Barnes! For goodness sake! There was nothing good about him in the movie aside from his attractiveness! Sure, his character dictated that he had to act all cocky but his acting was so monotonous and annoying! The few bits that he was meant to show emotion was horribly disappointing. GAH! You have failed me!

The book was soooo much better than the movie! Ajuni was right when she warned me that the movie was crappy.

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