Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hospitals are scary places...

This week I've been doing work experience at a hospital. I planned to blog every day during these four days of work experience but I can barely keep my eyes open when I get home. But today I just want to write something small. For confidentiality issues, I can't give details or names.
Throughout these few days, I've realised that nurses are probably some of the most caring, dedicated people in the world. Their efforts aren't always realised and they're often taken for granted. But from what I've seen, they're amazing - they look after each and every patient as if those patients are their own family. They speak about and witness things that others would cringe at and turn away from.
I've seen elderly people who are helpless and bedridden and must have everything done for them. I've seen elderly ladies who would probably have been extremely beautiful as young adults, but now must be lifted out of bed and cared for like a child. As one woman said - "back to babyhood".
I've seen young people not much older than me with horrible injuries that will probably have a permanent effect on their lives. In a sense, these injuries are the most heartbreaking - knowing that they may not ever lead the life that they had hoped for. We don't always pay much attention to the tragic stories of teenagers in accidents on the news, but seeing these teenagers in real life is something completely different.
Hospitals are scary places, and though I don't think I could ever be a nurse, I'd like to maybe do something in the health profession one day. I've come to realise that lives are very much like glass showpieces - beautiful, yet they can break into a million pieces so terribly easily.
- thelazydreamer

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