Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dinner date?

I woke up this morning with the intention of catching up with all my maths work. Clearly, I am not catching up with all my maths work and will do just as bad in the common test as I always do :) Oh wells.
So, instead of sitting at my desk like a good girl, I sat on the couch and began flicking through mindless show after mindless show, and came across one that I found particularly idiotic. I think it was called Dinner Date Australia or something? Basically it's about people who go on blind dates. And today's episode, from what I saw, was about a girl called Whatsherface who wanted to meet a tall, hot guy. Funnily enough, her blind date was a tall, mildly attractive Italian guy named Whatshisface. And she's like "Oh my gosh, he's exactly my type." Well, ladies and gents, we never saw that one coming, did we? Then the guy goes on to hold her hand and she's like, "woah, slow down man," and he's all, "maybe she's reading my signals wrong" and that's when I stopped watching because I decided that perhaps maths would be better. Gawsh, television shows these days. They're the funniest.

- thelazydreamer

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