Friday, March 11, 2011

Disaster Zone.

Hi everyone! Let me just begin by saying WOW, I have followers :) I don't quite know how to follow you yet... so um, I'm trying! I'll get there soon.

So to the topic of this post: the world is currently a disaster zone.

I went to school and then had a 'power-nap' as CK called it this week, so I've been pretty shut off from the world. And then I log into Facebook and I see something about a major earthquake in Japan. So what do I do? I Google it.

It turns out that there's been a major 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan, followed by a massive tsunami. I guess it's not only been a hectic few weeks just for me, but for the entire world.

Floods in Brisbane, cyclones in northern Queensland, earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. What is happening? Personally, I don't believe the Mayan myths (I think it's Mayan anyway) about the world ending in 2012. But right now, it sure seems like it. And to say that I'm not scared would be a complete lie. I just think we Sydney people have been extremely lucky not to be hit by this disastrous effects. Seriously, if I hadn't moved to Sydney, I would be suffering the aftermath of the Brisbane floods. I think the area around my old high school was actually flooded, plus a lot of people I know had to evacuate their homes. So I personally think that I'm extremely lucky not to have anything disastrous happen to me.

So while I was Googling pole-shifts, I found out about this thing called the supermoon. You super smart people probably know what it is anyway, but let me just explain it for my sake. Basically the moon is the closest it's been to the earth in 18 years. Some say the world's climate has been going haywire because of this. Others think this is just a coincidence. I don't know. And we silly humans have done heaps of crap to stuff up the world, so I hope this isn't our fault.

I'll say it again and again. In the security of my home, even if I'm doing my stupid assignments, I feel extremely lucky. I have never had anyone close to me die, I've never been through a natural disaster. To be honest, as much as I complain I think I've had a pretty great life.

I'll end by saying that my heart is with those who've lost loved ones over this hectic, deadly year and I hope that no more people will have to suffer through these disasters. Those who have died will be in my prayers, RIP.

Sorry if I've gotten any science stuff wrong in this post.


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