Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday and Shiver.

Hey everyone. I'm an awesome procrastinator so here I am, yet again, carefully avoiding the evils of the pile of assignments waiting to be done.

Friday: This song, oh my gosh, the lyrics really do depict the age of this singer :O She apparently doesn't know which seat to choose, and reveals that Saturday does indeed come after Friday. Thanks for the clarification. But even though I personally don't like the song, I still feel really sorry for Rebecca Black, because no doubt she is hearing a lot of criticism about her song. Apparently this one reviewer told her to cut herself and die. Which is a bit much, I reckon.

Anyway, I must rave about an awesome book I finished reading today! It's called Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater and it's about.. DUN DUN DUN... werewolves. And not the Twilight kind either. It's really magical, the way the author writes is just beautiful. I wish I could write like that, and after reading it I am inspired to create my own magic. I would give you a brief synopsis or whatever you call it, but I must get this English assignment out of the way!

Ciao! Z.

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