Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The beginning of the end. JOKES!

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've blogged. I've had a few assignments due, but other than that, I just haven't felt like going on the computer. My iPod seriously needs an update and this blog is going down the drain. :(
It's 10:30 pm and I never post at this hour. Nevertheless, I feel like this day should be commemorated. It's the 1st of June, and it was exactly one year ago that I became a student of MFHS. Throughout this year I've met a whole range of people, had some of the most amazing experiences, and went through many firsts (does that even make sense?).
I always talk about how great my friends are. I have never met people quite like them.
My creative side has been allowed to grow at MFHS... I think it was Durga who said that MFHS brings out the best in people - it allows people to be someone they never thought they could be. Wise words indeed.
I'm well on my way to conquering stage fright, I've written over fifty thousand words of stories, not to mention the fact that I've been taking my writing way more seriously AND I can now play the guitar.
However, there are a few amazing Brisbane people lacking in my life, and if they were here everything would be perfect. This one year at MFHS means one year away from them, and I hope that they haven't forgotten me just yet. People change, but I hope that they're still the same freaks that I love.
So, my dear internet peeps, appreciate what you have. Make the most of your time, wherever and whoever you are.


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