Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Attractive Lawyer at Career's Day LOL

Today was career's day.

The End.

Nah, I'm kidding. Obviously I have an opinion about this. Firstly, let me ask you guys out there, when you talk to a woman, do you really stare at their chests the whole time? I ask you this because throughout the whole day, in each session, the teachers kept repeating to the guys that this was a definite DON'T. Well der, but it strikes me as kind of odd that the male teachers kept reiterating this.
Secondly, when you're talking to a person, where do you look? Apparently there's this triangle thing that encompasses the person's eyes and nose, and you're meant to look somewhere in that triangle while you're talking to them. See, I find staring at someone's eyes intently while they speak kind of awkward, but I do it anyway.
And finally, listening to people talk all day is quite tiring, surprisingly.
These lawyers came and they looked exactly what I thought a lawyer would look like - all "well groomed" as the teachers like to say, and suited up. I would actually like to be a lawyer - it's one of the jobs I've had in my mind since I started high school. Anywho, the lawyers - a middle aged woman and a young-ish guy - were struggling to keep our attention. I mean, come on, expecting a bunch of teenagers to listen to you for eighty minutes straight is kind of unreasonable. And then this other (*cough* attractive *cough*) male lawyer walked in and every single girl in the room just swivelled in their seats to watch him walk down the stairs and sit down at the front. Everything was silent, for those few moments. It was quite amusing :D Unfortunately, he did not speak. Guys, here's a tip - wear a suit and girls will be all over you.

hehe, I just felt like I had to retell this story.


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