Friday, June 24, 2011


On Thursday a lot of people from my year and I went to the youth road safety forum (I think that's what it's called). At my old school excursions were quite frequent but apparently at MFHS they're pretty rare, so everybody was very hyped up! I'm not going to go through every single event of the entire excursion, but there's one particular part of the day that really got to me. There were 3 speakers who spoke to us towards the end of the first part of the day, and each of these 3 speakers had suffered some sort of brain injury from a motor vehicle crash. It was painful to watch them limp up the stairs up to the podium thingo and when they first got up there, they just waved by way of greeting.When they started talking, everyone in the entire arena just fell silent. And I'm talking everyone - as in, thousands of high school kids. Can you imagine what it takes to get an arena full of teenagers to shut up? These speakers were immensely powerful - their words weren't even symbolic or complicated or anything, but to think that some twist of fate had stolen their ability to walk and talk properly was quite frightening to me. They described what had happened to have gotten them to that point, and also what their time in hospital to get back on their feet was like. They stumbled over words and laughed at themselves and continued retelling their story as if it didn't hurt them at all to relive what must have been painful memories. They were amazing.


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