Monday, May 23, 2011

New thang!

I have decided that everyday (well, everytime I come on Blogspot) I will post a daily photo/graphic of some sort that I think is inspiring, beautiful, or just plain cool.

So here's today's:

And I did not pick this because we did Alice in Wonderland in English last term. I picked it because it is pretty much exactly what I would say : The crazy people are always the coolest and most fun to be around.

Day 6 of challenge : My Dream House

Hello everyone. This is going to be a really short post. I used to live in a two bedroom unit, and now I live in a two story 5 bedroom house. So it's safe to say that I'm content, and I am pretty much living in my dream house. Ciao!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Around the time when the SRP was due and we were doing our English half-yearlies, I said to myself, "STUFF THIS!" and started reading instead.
Being the nerdy book lover that I am, I shall review one of my new favourite books.

It happened like this. I was stolen from an airport. Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to. Taken to sand and heat, dirt and danger. And he expected me to love him. This is my story. A letter from nowhere.

Stolen, by Lucy Christopher, is a book about a girl named Gemma who is kidnapped from an airport and taken to the middle of nowhere, a.k.a the Great Sandy Desert in Australia. Her captor is a guy named Ty (or Tyler) who has problems of his own, and has pretty much been stalking her for years. But he's not quite the type of kidnapper you'd expect.

No, this is not a book about vampires and wolves and fairies and what not. It's a straight up fiction book with a psychological twist. You find yourself starting to sort of sympathise or even like Ty, even though he's this creepy kidnapper guy. It's Stockholm Syndrome, and if you don't know what that is, it's where the kidnapped person starts to feel affection or sympathy for their captor. The book is sort of scary in the sense that as Gemma develops Stockholm Syndrome throughout the book, it's as if you yourself are developing it along with her.

I was a bit wary of the book at the start, because it's in second person and I've never read a good book that's written completely in second person. Also, there are only two main characters in the entire book, but I've come to see that that's actually a good thing because that means you become more attached to those characters. It's not as if Lucy Christopher's writing is extremely flowery. It doesn't make you stand back and go "wow, that is some poetic writing". Her writing is perfectly natural and the book always keeps you hooked.

It also presented Australia in a new light to me. Despite the fact that most of Australia is dry desert, I've never ever seen a desert with my own two eyes. And to have an English author portray it so graphically and beautifully to me was quite an experience.

So if you're looking for a way to evade your studying and procrastinate, I think Stolen is an awesome book. READ IT!


Day 6 of Challenge : My favourite TV shows

I will never be able to quite understand how television plays such a huge role in the loves of Sydney people. It seems everyone is addicted, everyone is sharing inside jokes about what happened in the last episode of whatever, everyone watches tv online. Well, I for one don't. I snag a few episodes of my few favourite tv shows off friends and SOMETIMES watch tv online, although I'm usually behind because I'm so busy. Anyway, here are my favourite TV shows: 

- The Vampire Diaries
- Pretty Little Liars
- Glee? 
- I am starting to like Masterchef for some odd reason
- So You Think You Can Dance!
- Criminal Minds

And the shows I wish I could watch more of!
- How I Met Your Mother
- 90210
- White Collar

And please tell me why people are so addicted to Jersey Shore? 

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Joy of Performing

A few days ago our school held a Variety Night, where the most talented of students performed for around 500 people. I was one of those performers, although, I'm definitely one of the most talented. I have extreme stage fright, so I was incredibly amazed when I went up on that stage and did not feel anything except a slightly quickened heartbeat. I just sang, and listened to the music around me, and everytime the crowd cheered for me and sang along with me, I felt amazing. I started off in the wrong key and very shakily, but once people started singing along and I got used to all the faces staring up at me, it was okay. Perhaps I didn't hit all the notes, my voice definitely was not the best, and will not be the best, but I'm so happy that I actually performed. The people who performed along side me were so laid back and literally took me by the shoulders and shook me, saying that it was going to be fine.  Like my friend said the other day, all the performances I give will build up my confidence until eventually I'm not phased by all those eyes boring into me. I don't care as much as before about making a fool of myself anymore. I've realised that I love that hyped up feeling, that adrenaline rush, when you walk off that stage to the cheers of all your friends. Thank you guys, for making me special.

Most of the other performers were incredible. I particularly loved the performances by two senior girls, who sang 'Grenade' by Bruno Mars' and 'One in a million' by Ne-Yo. One day, I hope I'll be able to sing on stage with as much confidence as them. They were beautiful. One of my best friends did a dance with a guy in our year and it was HAWT. They were not only awesome dancers, but also awesome actors.

So now I'm more focused on music as ever. Perhaps I'll never be able to be the musician I dream of being, but I'm going to have fun :D I can't wait till the next time I perform. Sorry guys, I guess you're going to have to block your ears :)

Also, a special mention to an awesome friend of mine - Richie. While we were waiting out in the quad, I was going crazy, and he managed to calm me down and kept telling me that I was going to do great. Haha, and he was also there with me for the first and hopefully last time I got blocked by security guards. Thanks RICHIE :D Thank you T, for teaching me that I need to relax and live in the moment. Thank you for letting me rant to you. And thank you Yvonne, Hyrum, Tim, and my brilliant friends who gave me enough courage to get on that stage.


Day 5 of challenge : Qualities I believe are necessary in a relationship

Hey guys, here's day 5 of the challenge. Yes, I know I'm not posting everyday, as I'm supposed to in this challenge.

So what is meant exactly by a relationship? I'm just going to focus on the main two I can think of - boyfriend/girlfriend and just friends.

In a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, I think you should be able to rant to each other whenever you want to, about whatever you want to rant about, without the other person making a billion false assumptions about you. I think that the couple should be able to discuss the deepest feelings of their hearts, no matter how dangerous, yet know that they don't have to tell each other every single detail of their loves. I think that they should be able to make each other laugh. Too often these days do I see what I like to call 'make-believe' couples, who claim they are 'going-out' yet to actually see them talking to each other is a rare phenomenon. And the two only end up getting hurt when they finally realise that they're in the relationship for the wrong reason. I'm hardly the right person to be talking about relationships, though.

In a good, solid friendship, all the above things should be there. The friends should be able to discuss anything they want with each other. They need to have the same mentality and appreciate the same values. I know this may seem kind of unrealistic but unless the two friends have the same values, they're only going to start irritating each other. For example, if one of the friends loves their parents to bits yet the other frequently swears at their parents, then obviously they're going to disagree. The friends should always be able to call each other for a shoulder to lean on. They should always be there to rely each other, even in the worst of moments.

- thelazydreamer.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 4 of challenge : A Place I've Travelled To

Even though I've lived there, let's just use Brisbane because I LOVE BRISBANE! And I 'travelled' there at the end of last year.

Brisbane is really laid back, and it will seem even more laid back if you're from a big city like Sydney. The city was really close to my home, you could travel everywhere on a bus and it was just so easy to go out for the day and have fun with friends. I love the Sunday markets and the street at Southbank full of restaurants and ice cream shops. There are ibis everywhere, and the tables are set out in the sun. If you walk down that street, your senses will thank you. There are so many different types of people, colours, aromas, sounds, tastes, the feel of sun on your skin.

Talking about Brisbane is making me nostalgic.

Goodnight, dear blog peoples.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 3 of challenge : My parents

My world is a very small place and the people in it mean the world to me. Two of these very people are my parents, two of the most brilliant people I'll probably ever meet. And I don't mean that as a cliche, by the way. I'm a teenager, so I probably choose to see bad things about them, but I don't think I'll ever be able to grasp just how much they've given up to make my life awesome. Right now my dad works interstate, and its weird not to be able to see him everyday. I miss him. And my mum is an amazing woman, and I'm not being mushy or anything. She could've been something big, but she's stayed at home just for me and my sister. She's very lenient and puts an incredible amount of trust in me, which is why it's so hard for me to lie to her. Yes, there are bad things about my parents, but doesn't everybody have bad things about them?
I love my parents, and that's about it.
- thelazydreamer.

now would be a good time to say, OMG.

Wow! I haven't posted since the 2nd of May! That was what... 15 days ago? Well, to those of you who've been bugging me to post, here I am :D Yes, I know, I epically failed that 12 day challenge thing, but I'm just going to pick up where I left off. So today I'll be posting day 3, hopefully. Anyway, the reason I've been MIA is a stack of stupid assignments and exams! Ah, they're always getting the better of me. I seriously need to learn to manage my time better.
But, now that I'm back after so many days, I have so many things to blog about and I don't know where to start! So I'm just going to pick the most current thing, VARIETY NIGHT.

Um, I'm guessing most of you are from MFHS, right? But to those of you who aren't, Variety Night is a school concert that's apparently very BIG. and LOUD. It's new to me, but this year I, along with many of my freaky talented friends, will be performing. If you know me, you know that I'm not the most self-confident person. I am not very loud, either. Me attempting to sing at a concert is a challenge to myself, I guess. I won't grow any more confident if I don't try, right? I'm going to be performing with a BAND? Is that what it is? of awesome musicians. All three of them are musical freaks (that's a compliment, by the way) in their own ways. The rapper plays the saxomophone and piano, which is a surprise to me, the drummer is this crazy talented guy who can pick up just any instrument and start playing, and the pianist is just out of this world with her skills.

Let's just hope I don't stuff my part up too bad :) and good luck to the rest of the performers!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 2 of Challenge - Meaning Behind My Blog Name

Well, this is pretty easy. I mean if you haven't noticed, this kind of already explained at the very top of this blog. Anyway, I shall repeat.

The Lazy Dreamer. Why? Because I am a lazy dreamer! You have no idea how many dreams I dream, how badly I have my heads stuck in my cloud. I want to sing I want to write I want to go to Europe I want to do this I want to do that gah! I wish I could just be content. But the worst part of it is that I never actually put in the work that it takes to achieve those dreams because I am so LAZY! But it's getting better now. Since coming to Sydney I feel like my world has opened up a lot and I've been able to pursue my dreams more. So yeah! You get it?