Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 5 of challenge : Qualities I believe are necessary in a relationship

Hey guys, here's day 5 of the challenge. Yes, I know I'm not posting everyday, as I'm supposed to in this challenge.

So what is meant exactly by a relationship? I'm just going to focus on the main two I can think of - boyfriend/girlfriend and just friends.

In a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, I think you should be able to rant to each other whenever you want to, about whatever you want to rant about, without the other person making a billion false assumptions about you. I think that the couple should be able to discuss the deepest feelings of their hearts, no matter how dangerous, yet know that they don't have to tell each other every single detail of their loves. I think that they should be able to make each other laugh. Too often these days do I see what I like to call 'make-believe' couples, who claim they are 'going-out' yet to actually see them talking to each other is a rare phenomenon. And the two only end up getting hurt when they finally realise that they're in the relationship for the wrong reason. I'm hardly the right person to be talking about relationships, though.

In a good, solid friendship, all the above things should be there. The friends should be able to discuss anything they want with each other. They need to have the same mentality and appreciate the same values. I know this may seem kind of unrealistic but unless the two friends have the same values, they're only going to start irritating each other. For example, if one of the friends loves their parents to bits yet the other frequently swears at their parents, then obviously they're going to disagree. The friends should always be able to call each other for a shoulder to lean on. They should always be there to rely each other, even in the worst of moments.

- thelazydreamer.

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