Tuesday, May 17, 2011

now would be a good time to say, OMG.

Wow! I haven't posted since the 2nd of May! That was what... 15 days ago? Well, to those of you who've been bugging me to post, here I am :D Yes, I know, I epically failed that 12 day challenge thing, but I'm just going to pick up where I left off. So today I'll be posting day 3, hopefully. Anyway, the reason I've been MIA is a stack of stupid assignments and exams! Ah, they're always getting the better of me. I seriously need to learn to manage my time better.
But, now that I'm back after so many days, I have so many things to blog about and I don't know where to start! So I'm just going to pick the most current thing, VARIETY NIGHT.

Um, I'm guessing most of you are from MFHS, right? But to those of you who aren't, Variety Night is a school concert that's apparently very BIG. and LOUD. It's new to me, but this year I, along with many of my freaky talented friends, will be performing. If you know me, you know that I'm not the most self-confident person. I am not very loud, either. Me attempting to sing at a concert is a challenge to myself, I guess. I won't grow any more confident if I don't try, right? I'm going to be performing with a BAND? Is that what it is? of awesome musicians. All three of them are musical freaks (that's a compliment, by the way) in their own ways. The rapper plays the saxomophone and piano, which is a surprise to me, the drummer is this crazy talented guy who can pick up just any instrument and start playing, and the pianist is just out of this world with her skills.

Let's just hope I don't stuff my part up too bad :) and good luck to the rest of the performers!

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