Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 1 of Challenge: Introduction to my challenge and 5 facts/anecdotes of my life


Alright. So here goes.

Hello. My name is Zarin. This is my challenge. Seriously, could I get any lamer?
I'm Zarin and I'm doing this challenge because I have nothing better to do and other people are doing it and it looks cool and fun! I hope I get something out of this at the end, although I don't know what that could possibly be =='

5 facts:

1. I dream a lot - as in literally dream, in my sleep. They're always really, really crazy and often include people that I don't even talk to. One time, this guy I never talk to was defending me against one of my good friends. And my dreams are so realistic too!

2. I am Bengali! And a proud one at that. I haven't been back to my home country in years and years, but still, I love it! And if you ever call me Indian I will hit you. It's not that I don't like Indians but I hate that people don't recognise Bangladesh as a country. You will not believe how many people I've met that didn't even know it existed.

3. I am a writer. Uh, an aspiring author. Whatever you wanna call me, I write stories. I never used to write short stories but now I find myself getting random ideas out of nowhere that make me want to write. I almost finished a full-length novel but got angry at how crappy it was so I gave up on it. But I've learnt a lot from my mistakes and now I am writing a novel that is much better than anything I've written before. Yes, it may seem like I have no life, but give me a piece of paper and a pen and I shall be content :)

4. I love music. It's been one of those everlasting dreams of mine to make my name in music, be that playing an instrument, singing or doing both. I've always wanted to be in a band too. Two things stop me from making my music dreams come true though - 1) my parents, who are very academic minded, and 2) my absolutely horrendous stage fright. I am now teaching myself guitar, can sort of play keyboard and I also sing.

5. I miss Brisbane and all the people that I've left behind. I'm actually surprised - there were heaps of people that I despised but now I actually miss them too. I miss my best friends, who I hope are still my best friends, though we do not get to talk very much. I lived there for so long that if you just dropped me in the middle of a random suburb, I'd probably be able to make my way home. Eventually.

Wow, I actually wrote heaps! Well, I'm off now. Ciao!

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