Thursday, April 28, 2011

Modern day fairytale? More like modern day melodrama!

I'm not quite sure what melodrama exactly means but it sounds correct.

I'm sure you've all heard that Kate Middleton is getting married to Prince William, yah? Well, I've heard it SO many times that I'm getting kind of pissed off now. Yes, the future king of England is getting married, yes it's a big deal for him and his family and the British government and what not, but I do not understand why a movie has to be made about it?!?!?!

I turned on the last night and there was a movie on called "Will & Kate: A Modern Day Fairytale" and I watched a few moments of it. All I felt was complete and utter embarassment for Prince William and Kate. Honestly, how would you feel if your whole relationship with the person you were going to get married to was made into a MOVIE and aired in a country on the other side of the earth? All the moments you wish you could forget, plus all the moments that people made up just because they felt like it. Cringeworthy or what? I mean, I would totally love to marry a prince and all, but I am honestly getting sick of this royal wedding business. Please stop and put on some interesting tv shows instead, capiche? I would not blame Kate Middleton for going absolutely INSANE at this very moment. Not that I've gotten married before or anything (or have I? o.O) but a wedding must be pretty hectic and stressful right? Add to that a million gazillion eyes watching you from all corners of the globe, ready for you to stuff up! I mean look what happened to poor Princess Diana! GAWSH! I swear, if Prince William and Kate get divorced, I will... I don't know. Something major. Oh, are they actually allowed to get divorced if they want to?

Well I'm not quite sure if that made sense, but, RANT OVER. Adios amigos.

- thelazydreamer

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