Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thank God for my parents.

I really shouldn't be on Blogger right now, I should be studying for the topic test I have tomorrow. But I despise studying :( so I'ma post instead :)

Well, if you know me you know that I complain about my parents and little sister. A LOT. You would also know that my dad works interstate at the moment, and comes home twice a month. But I've had enough of this situation. I feel like the only reason my parents are here is me, and they're so depressed now, because of me. I really miss my dad too... I was so used to seeing him every day that I didn't realise how much I would actually miss him if he wasn't there. I think he feels a little weird too, kind of like a visitor, visiting his own home every couple of weeks. It's a hard life for my parents, and considering all the crap they've had to go through their entire life, I don't think it's very fair for them to live this way. I just hope that my dad can get a job here soon so that my family can be together.

My parents are migrants to Australia, and as cliche as it is, they moved here in order for me and my little sister to reap the benefits of a country that isn't poverty stricken, that isn't hectic and controlled by some crazy government. Because I'm here, I have opportunities that most of the girls in Bangladesh don't have. And although I am thankful to my parents, I don't think I ever really show them how truly grateful I am. To those of us whose families have migrated here, I think we all take our parents greatness for granted. Seriously, can you imagine where you would be right now if your parents had not moved here? You would be living a completely different life. And I for one, I am gratefuly that I am not living 'the other life'. 

So I still see my dad every two weeks or so, but I can't imagine what it would be like for a girl whose parents are divorced or maybe whos parents is dead. You know, you may not realise it but you act a certain way around your parents that you could never act in front of your friends or peers. When I think about it, it's crazy the things I do when I'm at home :P I go crazy, literally. I jump around, I dance, I sing, and I hate to say it but my parents are the ones who suffer through my awesome mood swings (note the sarcasm on the word awesome). So yeah, I can't imagine what it would be like to not have that pair of people who you can truly be YOURSELF in front of.

Anyway, I am in an extremly hyper/pensive mood and I just feel like ranting on about everything! I'm not quite sure if this post made sense, but to sum it up, THANK YOU MUM AND DAD. Now, those problems on my desk aren't going to solve themselves, so I better go finish my work. D: Ciao! ~ thelazydreamer.

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