Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Still a Stranger?

I posted this on my Tumblr as well.

“With every sun that sets I am feeling more like a stranger on a foreign shore.”

This lyric from Death Cab for Cutie got me thinking and, uh, a little emotional.

I recently moved cities from where I lived for 7 years of my life. And now that I’m here, there’s plenty of things that I’m happy about and grateful for. But everytime I think about all the people I’ve left behind and all the memories that are slowly but surely fading away, I get this hollow feeling inside of me.

I remember my last day of school at YSHS. I was made to feel pretty special :) I took a billion and one stupid photos with my friends and that final hour of school was like an impending doom or something. I remember trying not to break into tears as all my friends started crying around me.

Obviously, I gave in to those tears in the end.

It makes me sad that I don’t see my friends everyday and I don’t hear their voices everyday either. In this age where loooong phone calls have been replaced by meaningless emoticons and abbreviations like ‘ILY’, it’s not possible to talk to my friends everyday. I don’t go on MSN very often because of my busy lifestyle. Sometimes I wish I was a teenager 10 years ago or something. It seems like life would’ve been more… real.

So sometimes when I’m sitting at school, I get this feeling of being a ‘stranger’. Those moments come so randomly and are triggered by the smallest of things, but when they do happen I feel sort of horrible. I miss my home city more than ever in those moments. I guess every new person gets these feelings, this nostalgia and homesickness, but it’s really painful sometimes.

But I am happy to have met these awesome people here and there are definitely things here that I didn’t have in the past. I just hope this homesickness passes soon.

- thelazydreamer.

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